EUCON AIR MIX 220 is an aqueous solution of modified resins used for proper air control under a wide range of temperatures. EUCON AIR MIX 220 is specifically formulated for use as an air entraining admixture for concrete of all types and is manufactured under rigid control which assures uniform and precise performance. It is compatible with concrete mixes containing other commonly used EGECRETE Yapı Kimyasalları admixtures. It should be added to the mix independently and not with other admixtures.
Ready mix concrete
Structural concrete
Mass concrete
Paving concrete
All exterior concrete
Concrete works open to atmosphere exposed to freeze/thaw conditions
Road concrete
Provides a stable air void system with proper bubble size and spacing
Improved air void system protects concrete against damage caused by repetitive freeze / thaw cycles.
Concrete is resistant to de-icing salts, sulfate attack and corrosive water
Less mixing water can be used per yard (meter) of concrete
Improved placeability
Improved workability
Minimizes bleeding and segregation of the concrete