EUCON NP 201 exhibits improved properties compared to other Type A (typically 5% to 6% water reduction) or Type F (typically 12% to 15% water reduction) additives commonly used in blends. EUCON NP 201 allows for a wide range of use dosage ratios for wide application areas, relative to water reducing additives. EUCON NP 201 should be used as received and should not contain calcium chloride.
Basic Applications;
• Flooring concretes
• Architectural concrete
• For general use in ready-mixed concrete
• In concrete containing fly ash and other pozzolans
• Concrete with lower water content is produced: the cement ratio allows for increased strength.
• The increase in concrete strength ensures the reduction of cracks.
• Use of less water: the cement ratio allows a lower cement content and saves the producer money.
• Since it will increase the workability of the concrete, it facilitates the placement of the concrete.
• Reduces labor costs in concrete production